Managing One-time Reports Parent topic

Generate a one-time report for an at-a-glance summary of IMSVA protection. For future reference, IMSVA retains all one-time reports on this screen.
You can also enable IMSVA to automatically generate daily, weekly, or monthly reports.
To view the list of one-time reports that were previously generated, go to ReportsOne-time Reports.


  • To change the display, do any of the following:
    • To sort the table, click any of the column headings that are underlined.
    • If too many items appear on the list, click the arrow buttons on top of the list to move to the next page or select a number from the drop-down box that represents which page to view.
    • To change the number of items that appear in the list at a time, select a new display value from the drop-down box at the bottom of the table.
  • To generate a report, click Add, then specify the report details.
    The Output column shows In progress while the report generates.
  • To view the report, click one of the following formats under Output:
    • HTML: Opens the report in another browser window.
    • CSV: Saves the report to a comma-separated value file that you can open with a spreadsheet application.
    Email Encryption and compliance report content is not available unless you activate those products. For more information on activating them, see Managing Product Licenses.
  • To delete a report, select the check box next to it and click Delete.
  • To send a report through email, select the check box next to it and click Email.

Adding One-time Reports Parent topic

You can generate one-time reports on demand to help monitor the traffic on your network.


  1. Go to ReportsOne-time Report.
  2. Click Add.
    The Add One-time Report screen appears. For a list of available reports, see Generating Reports.
  3. Configure the report settings and then click Save.
    Option Description
    Specify a descriptive name.
    Select the time span that the report will cover.
    Report Content
    Select the content to include in the report.
    Delivery Settings
    Select to enable the delivery settings for the report.
    Specify the sender email address of the report.
    Specify the recipients who will receive the report.
    The report takes several minutes to generate. The message In progress appears in the report table.
    After the report generates, the hyperlinks HTML and CSV display in the report table.
  4. Under Output, select the output format to export the report data.
    Report generation occurs once every five minutes. Report generation could require as much as five minutes in addition to the time required to aggregate reporting data and make the necessary calculations.