Generating Reports Parent topic

Depending on your needs, you can choose to generate a one-time report on demand or schedule a report to be run at specific intervals. IMSVA offers you the flexibility of specifying the content for each report and the option of viewing or saving the result in HTML or CSV format and sending reports to specified recipients through email.

Types of Report Content Parent topic

You can select from the following types of content to be included in the report:

Cloud Pre-Filter Reports

Report Content
Traffic and threat summary
Shows the total number and size of incoming messages. Also shows the number of messages matching specific scanning conditions.

Summary Reports

Report Content
Traffic and policy summary
Shows the total number and size of incoming and outgoing messages, the number of messages matching specific scanning conditions, and a summary of quarantine events.
Virus and malicious code summary
Shows a summary of the virus message count by actions.
Spam summary
Shows a summary of the total spam message count by antispam engine, Email reputation, IP Profiler, and actions.
Sender IP address blocking summary
Includes "IP Profiler Summary", "Email Reputation IP Blocking Summary" and "SMTP Traffic Throttling Blocking Summary". The first one shows a summary of the total number of sender connections that reached IP Profiler and are blocked by the different Sender Filtering rules. The second one shows the total sender connections that reached Email reputation and are blocked by Email reputation. The third one shows a summary of total number of sender connections and the total number of email messages that are blocked by SMTP Traffic Throttling.
Virtual Analyzer analysis summary
Shows the total number of analyzed advanced threats by risk level.
Virtual Analyzer may not return a risk level if:
  • A server or connection error occurs
  • The attachment's file type is unsupported
  • Analysis has not been completed
Time-of-Click Protection summary
Shows the total number of clicks, number of clicks allowed, number of clicks blocked, number of clicks that get users warned and stopped, and number of clicks that get users warned but continued access.

Encryption Reports

Report Content
Decryption and encryption summary
Shows the total number and size of encrypted and decrypted messages.

Top 10 Reports

Report Content
Top 10 traffic email addresses
Top 10 email addresses ranked by the total sent and received message count.
Top 10 virus names
Top 10 virus names ranked by their detection count.
Top 10 blocked IP addresses for Directory Harvest Attack (DHA)
Top 10 IP addresses ranked by the blocked count for DHA attack.
Top 10 IP addresses ranked by the blocked count for bounced mail attack.
Top 10 IP addresses ranked by the blocked count for bounced mail attack.
Top 10 blocked IP addresses by SMTP Traffic Throttling
Top 10 IP addresses ranked by the blocked count for SMTP Traffic Throttling
Top 10 blocked senders by SMTP Traffic Throttling
Top 10 senders ranked by the blocked count for SMTP Traffic Throttling
Top 10 virus recipients and senders
Top 10 virus recipients and senders ranked by their total received and sent virus message counts.
Top 10 most frequently triggered rules
Top 10 rule names ranked by the number of messages that triggered each rule.
Top 10 spam recipients
Top 10 spam recipient addresses ranked by their total received spam message count.
Top 10 blocked IP addresses by Email reputation
Top 10 blocked IP addresses ranked by the number of connections dropped by Email reputation.
Top 10 blocked IP addresses for spam
Top 10 IP addresses ranked by the blocked count for spam.
Top 10 blocked IP addresses for viruses or malicious code
Top 10 IP addresses ranked by the blocked count for viruses.
Top 10 senders of messages with suspicious URLs
Top 10 sender addresses ranked by their total received messages that contained suspicious URLs.
Top 10 Trend Micro Email Encryption recipients and senders
Top 10 recipients and senders ranked by email encryption violations.
Top 10 compliance recipients and senders
Top 10 recipients and senders ranked by regulatory compliance violations.
Top 10 C&C email recipients and senders
Top 10 recipients and senders of C&C email based on the addresses used in the SMTP session
Top 10 marketing graymail recipients and senders
Top 10 recipients and senders of marketing newsletter email messages
Top 10 social network graymail recipients and senders
Top 10 recipients and senders of social networking update email messages