Opening the End-User Quarantine Management Console Remotely Parent topic

You can view the EUQ management console remotely across the network or from the computer where the program was deployed. Ensure that JavaScript is enabled on your browser.
Primary EUQ service
https://<target server IP address>:8447
An alternative to using the IP address is to use the target server's fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

Logon Name Format Parent topic

The format of the logon name used when accessing the EUQ management console depends on the selected authentication type.

EUQ Logon Name Formats

Authentication Type
Logon Name Format
The format of the logon name depends on the type of LDAP server you selected when configuring LDAP settings. The following are examples of valid logon name formats.
  • Domino: user1/domain
  • Microsoft Active Directory
    • Without Kerberos: (UPN) or domain\user1
    • With Kerberos:
  • Microsoft Active Directory Global Catalog
    • Without Kerberos: (UPN) or domain\user1
    • With Kerberos:
  • OpenLDAP: cn=manager, dc=test1, dc=com
  • Sun iPlanet Directory: uid=user1, ou=people, dc=domain, dc=com
Use any valid email address for the logon name.
IMSVA supports auth login, auth plain and starttls.