Using Email Reputation Parent topic

Trend Micro maintains a list of IP addresses belonging to known spam senders in a central database. Email reputation filters spam by blocking the IP addresses stored in this database.

Preparing Your Message Transfer Agent for Use With Email Reputation Services Parent topic

Configure your MTA to perform the appropriate DNS queries for the type of Email Reputation to which you subscribed.
  • Standard: Blocks connections with a 550 level error code (“connection refused”). The MTA returns this error code to the server initiating the connection because the IP address is in the Standard Reputation database as a known spammer.
  • Advanced: Configure the MTA to make two DNS queries. If the MTA does not receive a response from the first query to the standard reputation database, it makes a second query to the dynamic reputation database. The MTA should return a temporarily deny connection 450 level error code (“server temporarily unavailable, please retry”) when a response is received from this database.
Legitimate email servers with compromised hosts temporarily sending spam may be listed in the dynamic reputation database. If the connection request is from a legitimate email server, it will re-queue and try sending the message later. This process will cause a short delay in mail delivery until the listing expires but will not permanently block the email.
Some servers may have additional options for handling questionable IP connections. These options include throttling or routing messages for more detailed scanning.
You can find instructions for configuring the MTA or firewall on the Trend Micro website:
These instructions have been provided by the vendor or manufacturer of the product (MTA or firewall). Refer to your product manuals and/or technical support organization for detailed configuration and setup options.
Insert your Activation Code to replace the instructional text example; do not include any dashes.

Using the Email Reputation Management Console Parent topic

Visit the Email reputation management console at to access global spam information, view statistics, manage Email reputation settings, and perform administrative tasks.
For details, see the Email reputation management console Online Help. Click the help icon in the upper right corner of any help screen to access the Online Help.