DKIM Approved List Parent topic

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a signature/cryptography-based email authentication that provides a method for validating a message during its transfer over the Internet. By validating that the message comes from the source it is claiming, IMSVA provides spam and phishing protection for your network. Validated messages are not marked as spam and are not scanned for spam. This means false positives are reduced as is the need for scanning messages from a source that is known to be safe.

Enabling the DKIM Approved List Parent topic


  1. Go to PolicyApproved List.
    The DKIM Approved List tab appears.
  2. Select the Enable the DKIM Approved List for use in policies check box.
  3. Populate the list with known safe domains.
    1. Specify a domain name.
    2. Click Add.
    Import a list:
    When importing a text file for the DKIM Approved List, only one domain should be on each line.
    1. Click Import.
      The Import DKIM Approved List appears.
    2. Click Browse to locate the file to import.
    3. Select one of the following:
      • Merge with current list
      • Overwrite current list
    4. Click Import.
  4. Click Save.