Viewing Component Information (Coexist) Parent topic

Trend Micro Apex One makes use of components to keep agents protected from the latest threats. Keep these components up-to-date by running manual or scheduled updates.


  1. Go to ? (Help)AboutView all components.
    The Component Versions screen appears.
  2. At the top of the screen, view information related to the Security Agent program version and connection settings.
    Last updated
    The last time the Security Agent received policy or component updates from the Trend Micro Apex One server
    Agent version
    The version of the Security Agent program
    Agent GUID
    A unique value designated to the installed Security Agent program
    Agent port
    The port used by the Security Agent program for communication
    Server name/port
    The server that manages the Security Agent program
    Web Reputation Service
    The location and connection status of the Web Reputation Services server
    Apex Central policy
    The name of the Apex Central policy applied to the Security Agent
    Hover over the informational icon to view version information.
    If Apex Central does not manage the Security Agent, this field does not display.
  3. In the table at the bottom, view information about the components used by the Security Agent, including version and update status.