Restoring IMSVA by Importing Settings Parent topic

During import, do not:
  • Access other management console screens or modify any settings.
  • Perform any database operations.
  • Start/stop any services on the device or in the group to which the device belongs.
  • Register/unregister any child devices into/from the group to which the device belongs.
  • Launch other export or import tasks.


  1. Click System Status.
  2. Verify that no services are starting or stopping. If services are starting or stopping, wait until they are stable.
  3. Go to AdministrationImport/Export.
  4. Under Import Configuration Files, click Browse... and locate the file.
  5. Click Import.
    The original settings and rules, such as domain-based delivery settings, will be deleted and replaced by the imported settings and rules. All services on each device in the group will be restarted to apply the imported settings and rules. Wait until all services are restarted.
    For detailed settings that cannot be restored during migration, see the IMSVA Installation Guide.