Creating a File Attribute List Parent topic


  1. Go to PolicyPolicy ObjectsDLP Data Identifiers.
  2. Click the File Attributes tab.
  3. Click Add.
    A new screen displays.
  4. Specify a name for the file attribute list. The name must not exceed 128 bytes in length.
  5. Specify a description that does not exceed 255 bytes in length.
  6. Next to Except flag, select either of the following:
    • Except: The selected file types will be excluded.
    • Not except: The selected file types will be included.
  7. Select your preferred true file types.
  8. If a file type you want to include is not listed, select File extensions and then specify the file type's extension. IMSVA checks files with the specified extension but does not check their true file types. Guidelines when specifying file extensions:
    • Each extension must start with an asterisk (*), followed by a period (.), and then the extension. The asterisk is a wildcard, which represents a file’s actual name. For example, *.pol matches 12345.pol and test.pol.
    • You can include wildcards in extensions. Use a question mark (?) to represent a single character and an asterisk (*) to represent two or more characters. See the following examples:
      - *.*m matches the following files: ABC.dem, ABC.prm, ABC.sdcm
      - *.m*r matches the following files: ABC.mgdr, ABC.mtp2r, ABC.mdmr
    • Be careful when adding an asterisk at the end of an extension as this might match parts of a file name and an unrelated extension. For example: *.do* matches abc.doctor_john.jpg and abc.donor12.pdf.
    • Use semicolons (;) to separate file extensions. There is no need to add a space after a semicolon.
  9. Specify the minimum and maximum file size in bytes (1 bytes to 2 GB).
  10. Click Save.
    Optionally, copy an existing file attribute list and edit the copy to create another file attribute list.