Querying MTA Event Logs Parent topic


  1. Go to LogsQuery.
  2. Next to Type, select MTA events.
    The query screen for MTA event logs appears.
  3. On the second drop-down menu next to Type, select the IMSVA device to query.
  4. Next to Dates, select a date and time range.
  5. Next to Description, specify the keyword to search for.
  6. Click Display Log.
    A timestamp and description appear for each event.
  7. Perform any of the additional actions:
    • To change the number of items that appears in the list at a time, select a new display value from the Results per page drop-down box on the top of the table.
    • To print the query results, click Print current page.
    • To save the query result to a comma-separated value file, click Export to CSV.