Querying Message Tracking Logs Parent topic


  1. Go to LogsQuery.
    The Log Query screen appears.
  2. Next to Type, select Message tracking.
    The query screen for message event logs appears.
  3. In the second drop-down box next to Type, select one of the following:
    • IMSVA data only: Displays all messages which are directed through IMSVA
    • Cloud Pre-Filter + IMSVA data: Displays all messages which are directed through Cloud Pre-Filter and IMSVA. This includes messages which are deleted by Cloud Pre-Filter.
  4. Next to Dates, select a date and time range.
  5. Specify any of the following additional information:
    • Subject
    • Message ID
    • Sender
    • Recipient(s)
    • Attachment(s)
    1. Use the asterisk wildcard for partial searches on any field.
    2. The Subject, Message ID and Attachment(s) fields only display when IMSVA data only is selected.
  6. Click Display Log.
    A timestamp, sender, recipient, subject, and last known action appear for each event.
  7. Click the timestamp link to see the following information:
    • Timestamp
    • Connecting from
    • Sender
    • Recipient
    • Subject
    • Size
    • Attachments
    • Message ID
    • Internal Message ID
    • Rule Name
    • Rewrite Result
    • Scan Action
    • Delivery IP
    • Delivery Feedback
    • DKIM Sign Result
    • Scanner
    • Scanner that detected the message
    • Rule that detected the violation
    • Action details
  8. Perform any of the additional actions:
    • To change the number of items that appears in the list at a time, select a new display value from the drop-down box on the top of the table.
    • To print the query results, click Print current page.
    • To save the query result to a comma-separated value file, click Export to CSV.
    • Click the action link to view detailed information about the action.